Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. Topic: Firefighting

2. Effective Learner: For this ESLR category I plan to show growth as the year progresses by focusing on improving my productiveness while at school. I could do this by not talking to my peers in class, which I tend to do, and by trying to avoid getting distracted by others. This could also lead me to focusing more on my work and getting a proficient in all my classes. Bring all my materials to school , such as a calculator or a silent reading book, and complete all my assignments on time, such as my source checks or blog assignments, is how I plan to show growth in this category.

Effective Communicator: For this ESLR category I plan to show growth as the year progresses by working on improving my communication skills. I plan to do this by paying more attention in class and raising my hand more often  in order to avoid unnecessary interruptions. I could also express my thoughts and opinions in a more clear, respectful manner. Lastly, I plan to improve in this category by helping my future groups in doing things such as keeping everyone relaxed and on the same page when discussing group projects.

Effective User of Technology: For this ESLR category I plan to show growth as the year progresses by incorporating technology into my daily school routine. I plan to achieve this by doing simple things such as using a power point or short video when presenting. Aside from that, I wish to ask others for help when in need but also help my peers when they need me expertise. Lastly, I plan to improve in this category by effectively finding research , which I plan on doing by using a computer or mobile device.

Effective I-Poly Citizen: For this ESLR category I plan to show growth as the year progresses by being a responsible person. This could be done by staying aware of my actions, such as being late to class or accepting the grade that I have earned that semester. Aside from that, freely volunteering at school events ,such as Scare Fare or ifest, is how I plan to show growth in this category.

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