Thursday, October 31, 2013

Additional Post Two: Mentorship

During the month of October I did many things at my service learning in fire station 166. One of the most memorable things that I have had the opportunity to do was help during El Monte's Children Day Parade with the rest of my fire explorer post. 
2013 Parade Line Up19th Anniversary Children’s Day Parade

My duty for the day was to put on a costume, in the blazing sun, and wave at the pedestrians during the parade. Although it was extremely tiring, the experience was well worth it because I got the be in the parade with the rest of my fellow explorers. Aside from that I later had to help clean up and put stuff away once the parade was over. 

This experience showed me that being an explorer doesn't only consist of meeting on the weekends and learning about something new, we also have to give back the the community and the people even if it means getting your hands a little dirty. 

The picture above is me prior to the parade. I only had a piece of the costume on. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Steven! I really want to see the pic of you at the parade, but it isn't visible. Can you figure out the problem, and email me with the link when it is ready?
