Saturday, May 31, 2014

Additional Post 9: Mentorship

Although senior year is coming to an end, I have still continued to attend my mentorship at fire station 166 in the beautiful city of El Monte. Today the other explorers and I got the opportunity to climb up the 100 foot ladder that is located on the quint. Originally the firefighters were only conducting a routine equipment check, but as they noticed that us explorers had just finished the daily house work and were just waiting for our post adviser to finish they decided to let us have a go at walking up the huge ladder. As I started to walk up the massive ladder I was surprised to find that it was very stable and only began to shake the higher I got. Once at the top I had to get off the ladder and step onto the tower which was right next to the ladder. The firefighters reminded us to always have at least 3 point in contact with the ladder as we stepped onto the tower. We also learned how we would sound for the roof of a building in order to check for any weak points within a structure. All in all today was a very exciting day at station 166.

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