Friday, February 28, 2014

Additional Post 6: Search and Rescue

Two weeks into the month of February I got the chance to be part of a search and rescue stimulation with the other fire explorers in my post. The firefighters on hand split all the explorers into groups of four and proceeded by putting towels inside our masks in order to insure we couldn't see anything. Aside from that, they had a smog machine running in order to represent smoke and make the stimulation feel more realistic.

The objective of the stimulation was for my group and I to stay as low as we possibly could to the ground  and follow the water hose up the stairs in order to find a life size dummy and work together as a group to pull it out. The hardest part was communicating, while still trying to extract the dummy from the building. We were all tired from dragging it across the stairs and in order to talk to one another we had to scream as loud as we could due to the masks that we were wearing. Through out the entire exercise we where using breathing apparatuses to take in air, but towards the end the instructors took us off that air supply, which ultimately made the task much harder for us. In the end it was rewarding to see that our communication skills and teamwork allowed us to successfully take the dummy out of the building. 

The video above shows the other explorer and I dragging the dummy out of the building. (Please excuse the bad quality)

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